Tuesday, September 16, 2008

iPhone Firmware 2.1

This will be a very short post, as I have to get to sleep soon, so I can wake up in time for my flight tomorrow to San Antonio (I'll be there a whopping 36 hours). I downloaded the new iPhone firmware two Fridays ago (the day it was released...what can I say, I'm an early adopter...gotta have the latest) and it has fixed nearly all my little complaints about the new 3G iPhone (I have the first iPhone too, but I waited a full 24 hours after it came out to buy it).

You could watch you battery life drain down as you used GPS on the road
With 3G turned on, the phone could barely last a full day in my pocket with frequent mail updates and txt messages constantly streaming data (not to mention twitter)
Txting was painfully slow for the first few seconds (I discovered I could type three-four sentences before the phone would input the text I typed)
Safari crashed on a regular basis if I put the phone to sleep and tried to resume reading the webpage at a later time.

I can drive for over 3 hours using the GPS AND 3G with the phone using less than 25% of the battery life on my phone. Texting is rapid and speedy just like the 1st gen hardware and software. Improved signal strength at my house (the only place I didn't have 4-5 bars before). Safari has yet to crash since the past weekend and I've only had one app crash so far.

The long and short of this all is: If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch: DOWNLOAD IT NOW, your life will be better for it. (There have been a few people online who claim this update has caused problems for them, however this is a miniscule minority and are most likely just upset the iPhone still doesn't have cut and paste)

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